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Adam King


A Digital Technologies teacher’s expertise has proven crucial in successfully leading his small, independent, Sunshine Coast school through this year’s global pandemic.

Suncoast Christian College Digital Technologies and Instructional Design teacher, Adam King, helped staff navigate software through College meetings and one-on-one workshops. He produced 39 instructional videos to support staff in following school procedures and enacting best practice when providing digital resources for students learning at home.

Adam’s expertise led to his current role as Instructional Designer being created for him, to implement the latest digital technology practice in all of Suncoast’s classrooms from Prep to Year 12. Adam has conducted iPad workshops, facilitated training in technology for regional schools and was a 2020 Peter Doherty Awards for Excellence in STEM Education nominee.

Head of Technologies at Suncoast Christian College Jonathan Burnett says Adam creates an inclusive and positive classroom.

“The raw energy and creativity that Adam brings to the classroom, from engaging Prep students in their first interactions with robots right through to extending gifted senior students with connections to industry is unparalleled. I have not seen another teacher in my career with this man's vigour!” Jon says.

The teacher of 21 years’ standing supports students competing in First Lego League and his teams have won four Lego Robotics trophies in competition against dozens of other schools. Adam has coordinated the Hour of Code program after school and has been involved in the Buranga Camp for gifted and talented primary school students on the Sunshine Coast. Activities at the camp range from representing DNA strands using gummy bears and liquorice to writing songs and designing transportable sustainable cities.

Adam has raised money for Suncoast Care (community aid) through auctioning paintings created by students using Sphero robots. He introduced a ‘Shark Tank’ competition in Year 5, where students in small teams worked to secure money from investors, with the profits then going to help impoverished children overseas through Christian Organisation Compassion Australia. Similarly, Adam’s Digital Technology students are currently collaborating with Year 9 Business Studies students to grow fifty dollars of capital investment into profitable small business ventures and use the profits to support third world communities.

Jon, as Adam’s supervisor, describes him as hard working and optimistic, with a strong dedication to his profession.

“Adam is 100 per cent committed to his work as a teacher and gives deeply of himself to provide the best learning opportunities for the students in front of him. Adam says, ‘I heard once that if opportunity doesn’t come knocking, to build another door. I’ve done that many times and this has enabled me to face adversity’,” Jon recalls.

“He believes that educational innovation keeps our profession exciting, and never rests on his laurels.”

Congratulations Adam on being shortlisted for the TEACHX Excellence in Teaching Award.


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