Emma was nominated as Technology Ambassador for Capricornia School of Distance Education in 2017 to support teachers and develop resource banks for P-12 classes. In this role, she has demonstrated excellent leadership in a number of ways. Emma has benchmarked the framework for Digital Futures of Distance Education in the Northern Territory, and is the leader and developer of the STEAM committee for her school. A key highlight for Emma has been the way she has supported her school to integrate STEAM into distance education practically. Effectively integrating it with the Australian Curriculum and General Capabilities while supporting teachers to follow the Whole School Curriculum Plan. This team builds on the STEAM curriculum plans created by Emma to improve integration across the school. Emma has utilised technologies to facilitate her work, and frequently assists teachers she works with to use the Cloud and other digital technologies through developed training packages to support distance education. She has presented several times at conferences around Australia and to international audiences about STEM, the Digital Curriculum and Cloud Services (OneDrive and OneNote) and has run professional forums to discuss teaching practice in distance education across Queensland. She has served as a facilitator, leading and implementing a technology network group to do this. Inviting a CSIRO school liaison officer to present a seminar to parents and home tutors about the importance of digital technologies and future career paths. Emma also works closely with home tutors, providing development workshops to assist them to integrate digital technologies into their curriculum. In her own teaching practice, Emma is a reflective practitioner, who continuously seeks feedback on her own performance from peers. She has gone above and beyond in her mentoring of staff and is generous with her time to ensure all teachers feel confident and effective in their use of digital technologies and teaching of STEM subjects. Congratulations on your nomination, Emma!