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Sarah Coutts

In just her second year of teaching, Sarah has taken on the role of a curriculum co-ordinator at Woodridge State High School (WSHS). Sarah has been praised for her deep knowledge of curriculum and her emotional intelligence when working with WSHS students. Over 70 per cent of pupils at the Logan high school have English as an Additional Language or Dialect. Together, the students comprise 60 different nationalities. WSHS deputy principal Megan Landbeck says the school can be a complex environment to work in and Sarah’s energetic approach to connecting with students has seen an improvement in both behaviour and effort.

“This is particularly evident in her Year 11 Physics class, where 96 per cent of students are achieving a C or higher,” Megan says. “She has also seen success for students on an Individual Curriculum Plan, with the majority receiving a C or higher at age-level appropriate curriculum,” Megan says. “Sarah has led the development of future-focussed, high expectancy curriculum in her faculty team. This has also been shown in her willingness to develop curriculum in line with the new QCE and new VET offerings at the school.” Sarah actively analyses and utilises students’ data, as well as ongoing formative assessment strategies to inform her teaching practice. “As part of this, she actively constructs and contributes to her own, and her faculty’s, data walls,” Megan says. Sarah is creative and works exceptionally hard at providing learning opportunities that give her students opportunities to achieve success. “Sarah takes every opportunity to build relationships with parents and carers and is recognised by students as a caring and enthusiastic educator,” Megan says. “Students feel seen and understood by her.” Congratulations Sarah on your nomination.

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