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Vince Wall

Vince Wall is somewhat of a specialist in teaching Australian History. His knowledge and passion for the subject has enriched the community of All Hallows’ School. Vince has a variety of memberships in historical societies and forms collaborative relationships with experts working in the field, in universities, at libraries, and at museums. Of note are his relationships with authors, academics, and archaeologists who focus on Indigenous history and the history of Australia’s Frontier Wars. He also has built connections with centres and historians that focus on the teaching of Holocaust. He aims to connect the skills, knowledge and passions of these groups and individuals with students and teachers. Not only does this show a sensitivity around these subjects but also a commitment to teach in ways that promote rich and inclusive perspectives on society. Head of Department at All Hallows’ Jennifer Copland notes, “These connections have benefitted the resources available to his colleagues and ultimately his students.” This commitment to full and rounded learning experiences has resulted in diverse experiences (such as in 2019 when Vince invited a re-enactment troop of the Australian Light Horse to meet with students during a school lunchbreak.

Vince has an enthusiasm for learning. He has facilitated an ongoing program of professional development events at his school. Focussing on the Frontier Wars these events have provided an opportunity for experts to connect with educators. These experiences not only help achieve curriculum goals but are also supportive of the school’s mission and serve to play a part in the wider reconciliation process through encouraging truth-telling in Australia’s history. A teacher of 31 years, Vince remains willing to take risks and not be complacent. He continues to research new strategies and integrate new technologies into his teaching to maximise learning outcomes for his students. He consults widely with others and engages with online professional learning networks. He undertakes extensive professional reading and participates in online courses. These focus not only regarding pedagogy and content but also on student wellbeing. He makes use of feedback given to him by students and continues to refine his teaching methods. His passion for the subject is infectious and many of his students go on to study History in Senior as a result. “Students respond to his authentic style as he continues to enhance their learning. Vince helps students make connections between studying History and their world,” says Jennifer. Vince has written journal articles and been a sessional lecturer at the Australian Catholic University. He’s been invited to present at regional and international conferences. Having extensive experience in the roles of Head of Department and Head of House, Vince is well positioned to mentor beginning teachers. He has currently taken on the role of Project Leader of Digital Pedagogy at his school. He has a passion for assistive, and other emerging, technologies. His extensive background in pastoral care and student well-being is reflected in his compassionate and empathetic nature. “I am in awe of Vince's ability to continue to find challenges and grow as a teacher,” Jennifer says. Congratulations Vince on your nomination.

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